The Crusade is scheduled to begin tonight at six o'clock. I'm looking forward to it. It will be held at Ronald's house, one of the members from Roadside. Tonight and tomorrow night will be at his place. Sunday we'll go to Roadside and go under the tent. I'm looking forward to it, but really praying and wanting God to use this in people's lives here. I'd love to see people really stirred up, genuinely seeking to live for Him and love each other as we ought.
Can you join us specifically in prayer for this today and as you think of it this weekend? I would really appreciate it. If you enjoy praying for specifics, here are a few.
**Katie and I are to sing three specials, as well as leading and participating in a 6 or 7 others.
**Pastor Hunter is striving to prepare simple Gospel messages that will be easy to understand, yet impact the people.
**This is an evangelistic sort of a thing, so pray that we would know how to interact with the people who come from surrounding areas.
**Pray that it won't just be a formality and a showing up of people for some event, but that the Spirit really would work and move.
**Pray that travel to and from the Crusade would be safe and uneventful.
Hmm. That's all I can think of for specifics at the moment. Thank you so much!
Norway 2018
6 years ago
I'll be praying. Love you!!
Love you more!!!
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