Saturday, January 24, 2009

Computer Problems

Sometimes, in this age of computers and easy communication we forget how dependent we are on computer chips and electricity and satelites and fiber optics and other things I don't even comprehend. We take for granted that what we want to know we should be able to find out RIGHT NOW. And that is just how I felt when I hadn't heard from Ellen and Katie for a week. I have a whole new appreciation for the early missionaries and their families whose letters took months to get to their destination.

Ellen was able to send me a very short email explaining the situation and I am posting an exerpt here for all of you who are interested in and praying for the girls.

I wish I could write you more often. I wish I could blog. I wish our computer hadn't crashed!! Last Thursday night ( ed. note--Jan. 15) it just freaked out and decided to stop working. I'm on a computer at the centre right now and actually need to get off soon, time here at the Centre is really, really limited and the computers are old and slow. I just wanted to let you know about the breakdown in communication. Maybe you could let others know too? Our computer is going to Georgetown tomorrow, maybe it will be fixable. If not, I'm not sure what's going to happen. I could talk on the phone, but it's so expensive. Just know everything here is going so well. Just continue to pray, we need prayer! So many things here are spur of the moment, requiring quick thinking and good reactions from us. We have had a few people ask us how to be saved, it's cool. Time to go help Christina with's tough math, you could pray that way too :D

I love you!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope your computer gets fixed soon! I'm glad to hear that overall, though, it's going well for you there.
