These pictures always upload backwards, but here goes.
This is me sitting on the steps inside our house in the morning, trying to get my mind all-together and remember everything I need to take with me that day- Ellen and I have to remind each other of what we have to do or else we forget something. So, I was talking through my checklist to Ellen, though she may not have been listening, its just the fact that I could say it out loud to someone that helps me
Mornings are not particularly my high point of the day, I am not a very chipper individual until a little later in the day. I'm getting much better though.
We found this picture rather humerous, and thought some of you may as well. We have been sleeping downstairs in our livingroom rather often lately, because of sleepovers, then because of bedbugs in our bed, and now because of lice. This was Saturday morning, and We had some girls from #57 spending the night, and they woke up before us, (big surprise, right?) and decided to grab Ellen's camera and take a picture. We are zonked much of the time, and sleep is such a beautiful thing!
This is us going to the market. We carry those bags with us to put all of our items in, and everyone here has those bags. They cost $200, and are very handy. The market is straight ahead, past those semis. There are fruit and vegetable stands straight ahead, and then if you go to the right at the fruit and vegetable stands, you enter the market. I would say the entire market is about the size of WalMart, but much more crammed with stuff.
Oh boy. This was a fun evening. One of the ladies we work with at the Centre wanted to give us some "cherries" (they don't taste like cherries I'm used to eating, bing, etc., they are more tart, and a little like an apple taste) from her tree at home, so we picked them up. The next day, we realized that they were already fermenting, so we decided to make juice out of them. We took the cherries, and smashed them into a collender, and had the very pulpy juice left in the bowl underneath. Then we proceeded to drink it. We felt silly for smashing up cherries, but that was the best way to use them before they were wine, so we did!
This is a crazy picture, but I wanted Ellen to take it. There are NO hills in Guyana. It is completely flat. This "hill" of sand looked like something my brothers would love to play on, so I jumped on top of it. Too bad none of them were there to play King of the Hill with me.
Ellen, Christina, Cynthia, and I were on a walk, going to meet the bus to go to #57, and we had made dinner for Beerbal and Faniza, so we were carrying the food to take to them. We got many strange looks, as people here typically don't carry around pots and bowls full of food. I am coming to see that we are strange in many ways:)
Norway 2018
6 years ago
Thanks for the updates, sisters. Although the Heather & Heidi have already made your blog info available to the congregation here at Sovereign Grace Baptist Church in Anniston, we've just posted a link to your blog on our SGBC blog,
Are prayers are with you.
Ever in Christ,
jon cardwell
I'm so happy to hear from you girls again! Katie, when you post a new picture it always gets added on to the top of your page. So, you can either post them in the reverse order that you want them to show up, or you can can go to the html page for your post and you will see the picture show up as a strange list of numbers and letters. You can highlight that "picture" and move it where you want it to go. You can do the same with words. Although, I've noticed that there are some things that I think your computer is not allowing you to do. When you try to double space between paragraphs of text it is not communicating right with the blog center and just makes a bunch of weird symbols. I have gone in on my computer and fixed the spacing since I can see where you wanted it, and it makes it easier to read--especially when there's a lot of text. Enough rambling, I liked your hill, maybe if you get inland at all in your trip you'll see some of the Guyana hills, we've been studying them in school and they're beautiful!!
After being in NC, I can hardly imagine what a place is like without hills! By the way, I love your new music background:)
I have enjoyed this blog immensely. It's funny, entertaining, and it just lets me know how you two are doing and all you're going through. Cameras and internet are wonderful things!!!
I'm so glad you enjoy it! I want you guys to be able to see/enter into what we live here.
I've never known what to comment about but I just wanted to say that I love reading about what it's like down there and what you're doing.
Thanks Shane! I love hearing your comments, its encouraging to me! I'm glad you like seeing what we're up to, I try to keep new stories coming.
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