When I came to Guyana, I was warned that the men would be a problem, but I didn't realize just what that meant. The longer I am here and the more Ellen and I do things on our own, the more comments are made, and interesting situations are encountered. Almost all of these situations are from complete strangers and happen on our random excursions.
Ellen is engaged so whenever there's trouble, she just lets them know about her man, but I have no such safety net to fall back on. As soon as she mentions Daniel they seem to lay off, but then they find out I am not engaged or married and are suddenly quite attentive. This happened on the bus with a man and he was just being inappropriate and made me very uncomfortable. I was completely angry and just very upset about the whole situation, mostly because I felt like I was an item for men's perusal and there was nothing I could do about it. The first "Katie tears" fell in Guyana. I was pretty shaken up. Ellen tried to console me and then proceeded to lecture me on how to slap inappropriate men. Ellen decided that we needed to go to the Silver store and buy me a ring, and that I am to tell people that I am married. We're not quite sure if this is a lie, but, we figured I am married to Christ in a sense (or betrothed) and I do have a wedding coming up in August (Ellen's). Also, we decided we could carry around pictures of someone back home (even if it was our brothers or friends) and show people pictures so they would lay off. Hopefully this will take care of the men problem, and I have a very pretty ring on my left ring finger:)
Norway 2018
6 years ago
Wow, Katie! Nice plan. You are hilarious and I love you. You two make an interesting pair...maybe slightly evil! lol LOVE YOU BOTH!!!!!!! <3
What a story! Glad you like the ring....guess you'll be wearing it for a while.
Yep, its kind of funny, because people from my church saw the ring tonight at one of the mission meetings, and they were like, "Wait, when did that happen?" So I had to explain the whole story all over to them. They thought it was funny, and a good idea.
Oh Katie that is just too funny. Hope that it is not to much of a hassle for you to have to fend off the men. I am sure that you do a good job of ending any miss leading thoughts that the Guyana men might have. Love and prayers.
Mar Bear
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